Happy 10th Birthday LinkedIn!!

Yesterday was LinkedIn’s 10th birthday, and my how the spotty little nerd has grown! From slow and unremarkable beginnings in 2003, to online business domination a decade later, LinkedIn has proven itself to be a staple ingredient of any social media diet.

As I’m sure we all remember, the 10th birthday is one of the biggies. Usually restricted to just one, usually lego based present, I still recall my astonishment upon receiving a special bonus gift in the form of the Spice Girls album, Wannabe. Well, LinkedIn haven’t been quite that lucky, but I’m sure they’ll make do with their first quarter financial report that boasts earnings of $324.7, a 72% increase on last years’ $188.5.

LinkedIn’s growing financial success has been attributed to the falling barriers between connections. Some accuse the social network of selling out, claiming that connections are becoming so easy to establish they are now almost worthless. Be that as it may, the birthday boy will be far too happy with itself to consider doing anything differently for now.

Many happy returns LinkedIn. Don’t spend that $22.6 million net profit all at once!


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