3 Challenges Every Digital Marketer Will Need To Overcome


1. Dataphilia We’re all talking about ‘big data’. What was once immeasurable is now measurable, and what were once highly subjective decisions can now be scrutinised rationally through the use of data. Data removes the ambiguity and provides clarity as to what is likely to work and not work, and its application to digital marketing […]

5 Lessons I Learned at Brighton SEO


My highlight this April was attending my very first Brighton SEO conference. Growing from a dozen SEO nerds in a pub five years ago, 1,700 SEOs poured into the beautiful Brighton Dome venue for a series of talks on everything from mobile design to social media. Alongside tweeting, frenetically updating my Evernote and chatting to […]

Why long term marketing plans are worthless


For years we relied upon a standard long term plan and monthly reporting structure as the backbone to all our campaigns. Not any more. Here are some reasons why long terms plans are basically pointless: – It is almost definitely wrong – You won’t know what the right plan is until you’ve started – The […]

Google Mobile Update Hype – Do You Actually Need To Do Anything?


“This change will affect mobile searches in all languages worldwide and will have a significant impact in our search results,” the company wrote on its blog. “Consequently, users will find it easier to get relevant, high quality search results that are optimized for their devices.” – Google Webmaster Central Blog Google is about to launch […]

5 Ways To Future-proof Yourself In Web Design


One of the biggest challenges I find as a web designer and front-end developer is constantly trying to keep up with new trends, web design is an ever changing industry which if you don’t keep up with you’ll get left behind in a dark room alongside flash and inline styling. So you may be wondering […]

Why you need to stop being so creative


Marketing is commonly regarded as a creative and uncertain process, something that cannot be structured or organised, but I think that’s a lazy cop-out that’s emerged because most marketers are by nature (and I have to include myself in this) a bit of a shambles. Marketing is only creative when you don’t know what works. […]

Brand: History Lesson 1

Vikings ships under the storm.

After writing a couple of posts about brand, I thought it would be interesting to explore where the concept of ‘brand’ originated. I am going to split this into a few, easy to digest posts, with this first post being ‘Brand: History Lesson 1’. 2000BC So, where does the term ‘brand’ actually come from? The […]

3 Ways To Get Better Data On Your Traffic


Even in 2015 too many website owners are disregarding the value of data and how useful it can be for generating sales. Being a data-driven person and all-round nerd, the phrase “gut feeling” sends my palm flying flat to my face. Why, when data is so freely available and actionable, would anyone ever ignore it? […]

7 Steps to Building a Strong Brand from the Outset


As I said in my previous blog post, ‘A brand cannot be directly created by the company or a designer. The brand is consumer driven and represents the relationship between the consumer and company.’ However, there are steps you can take to make this relationship as strong as possible and for your consumers to be […]

Scared of Content Shock? Here are 3 Ways to Overcome Your Fear


What is Content Shock?  First identified by consultant and self-branded “Twitter Tao” Mark Schaefer (who also hosts a very insightful and fun podcast), content shock is the imbalance of “supply and demand” on the internet.  Hundreds of thousands of blog posts are published online every week, not counting “micro-blogs” – tweets, Tumblr posts, Pinterest pins, […]

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