Influencer Marketing for Law Firms

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Influencer Marketing for Law Firms

What is influencer marketing? It’s about paying or convincing thought leaders in your industry – who, most importantly, have access to your target audience – to promote your brand. Does this person need to be a celebrity? No, they don’t. Hiring someone famous to sing your praises is celebrity endorsement and nothing more.


You can use the influencer’s knowledge and influence to jointly push the benefits of using your legal services, which in turn will also help to differentiate you and mark you out as superior to other mid-market legal competitors.


Influencers are a prominent voice within your industry who will advocate and partner with you and your legal services. This builds trust within your target market (who will look to these prominent voices for reassurance) and maximise the chance of you successfully generating a lead.


By working directly with legal influencers, not only are you able to present your law firm as extremely respectable, but you also impact your personal brand. Through their influence, your name will become more recognisable within your chosen legal market and this will help to build your own influencer and reputation as a respected legal thought leader.


Influencers have an extremely prominent role in shaping and developing the discourse and discussion within the legal market. They help to formulate industry trends and also identify the prospective challenges and opportunities for law firms. Legal influencers also usually have a much larger audience than a traditional mid-to-local market law firm, so when you partner with them, you have a better chance of being able to speak to the wider industry audience.


The legal market may be the last industry you’d associate with influencer marketing, so it can be difficult to know where to start. Luckily, we’re experts at matching law firms with some of the most valuable influencers in their relevant fields. For an effective influencer marketing strategy, here’s what you’ll need to consider:


Influencer marketing in the legal sector has been a slow burner because it is often viewed as an unnecessary expense. People question how influencers can be different and whether audiences actually listen to them or not. In reality, influencers are extremely powerful even if you don’t realise it.

If your law firm can boast that you’ve collaborated with well-known names within the legal industry, you instantly mark yourselves out as unique against other firms that have not. Furthermore, if customers researching your law firm see you working with reputable industry organisations, they instantly are going to feel more assured that your law firm is the correct choice. As a result, influencer marketing can actually be an extremely powerful lead generation tool.


Getting the right voice for your company is the cornerstone of influencer marketing for law firms. Although influencer marketing is an extremely exciting venture, it can be very easy to get it wrong by talking to the wrong people. What’s more, this can quickly add unnecessary costs which become a larger burden for your business. If you waste all your money down the wrong avenues, that can put you at a serious disadvantage when you actually do have to negotiate with the perfect match.

Spend time conducting detailed research on your potential influencers to make sure they are the perfect fit, both commercially and personally. You’ll want to develop a strong working relationship with them, so it’s critical that you feel they are the right fit for your law firm.


Once you establish contact with your influencer, it’s important to make sure that you pitch topics that they will be interested in and have profound knowledge in. Influencer marketing for law firms tends to focus on three key areas – legal expertise, socio-political factors affecting law, or the advent of technology into the industry.

Assuming you’ve spent time researching your influencers properly, you are going to be talking to the right voices. It’s then up to you to work out how you pitch. It can be through either mutual benefit, offering financial remuneration – after all, legal influencers are often field experts and have multiple opportunities to do this, so getting them onside is crucial – or longer-term tangible benefits. Be clear with whatever you are offering and write up a formal agreement so it is always available for reference.


Focusing on original and unique content will help mark you and your law firm out as subject matter experts that are looking to try and expand the legal canon and also place you in good stead for being able to engage further on the topic. Ideally, you and your influencer should both be prepared to spend time engaging with and responding to anyone else who joins the conversation – and don’t be afraid to encourage further discussion.

The biggest thing to remember is not to completely overload and overwhelm your audience. Concise, consistent snippets of useful information in a digestible way is better than an absolute deluge of detail. Above all, be prepared to spend as much time and money promoting your content as you did creating it, so it gets shared to as wide an audience in the legal sector as possible.


Influencer marketing for law firms shouldn’t just be about expecting an instant glut of enquiries once you post your first piece of content. Like SEO, influencer marketing is a strategic activity that focuses on long term gain and growth.

In fact, for small and medium law firms, engaging with a reputable influencer can help you shape the long-term business strategy for your own practice, as you’ll be speaking to someone who has much greater experience and depth within your chosen market and consequently is more likely to spot future potential legal trends and opportunities.


A common misconception about influencer marketing is that it is hugely expensive. Although legal influencers are more likely to care about the quality of the engagement and speaking about their specialist subjects, it’s important to remember that you can’t take them for granted. It’s silly talking to a prospective influencer if you know you can’t afford them, in the same way, it’s silly to speak to a prospective influencer who specialises in the wrong market. Have a clear idea of what you can and can’t afford for influencer marketing, and shape your decisions around this.


Many modern legal influencers are breaking boundaries and bucking trends, and digital transformation has only accelerated this. If you are a very classic law firm, you may want to stick to more traditional values, but more modern firms should embrace the depth and variety of different characters and personas within the market. What’s more, don’t be afraid to engage with ‘rising stars’ as their potential for growth and future impact is often significant.


The traditional view of influencer marketing is a negative one, perceiving it to be a B2C activity involving a few sponsored Instagram posts. In reality, influencer marketing is shaping every facet of people’s lives in a manifest variety of ways. Whether you specialise within a B2B or B2B legal sphere, there will be voices in your industry that help shape thoughts and attitudes, and these are the influencers who you want to harness successfully to promote your law firm.


Frequently Asked Questions about our SEO Services for B2B Organisations

SEO is a digital strategy used to improve an organisation’s position in the Search Engine Ranking Pages (SERPs). It is not sector specific and can be applied to B2B and B2C.

SEO is used within B2B marketing to…

    • Establish credibility within an organisation’s sector
    • Attract customers using carefully chosen keywords
    • Optimise digital content for page rankings
    • Generate and convert high-quality leads

Yes, local SEO is important for B2B brands, even if they have a global audience. Optimising for local search can help target specific regions, enhance visibility in local markets, and increase brand recognition

There are a number of bad SEO practices, known as black hat SEO, which can incur penalties from Google. These include keyword stuffing, aggressive link-building, duplicate/thin content and hidden text/links.

UX is crucial for good SEO. A well-designed and user-friendly website leads to lower bounce rates, longer dwell times, and increased engagement, which are factors search engines consider when ranking pages.

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