Business Analysis

Business analysis plays a crucial role in your aligning marketing efforts with business objectives, improving customer engagement, and driving revenue growth.

The Benefits of Business Analysis

Business analysis involves the systematic examination and evaluation of various data, metrics, and performance indicators to gain insights into the effectiveness and efficiency of marketing strategies and campaigns in achieving business goals. The primary aim of business analysis is to provide actionable recommendations that can enhance the overall performance of your digital marketing efforts.

Informed Decision Making

Business analysis provides data-driven insights that enable your business to make informed and strategic decisions. By analysing relevant information, you can understand market trends, customer preferences, and performance

Efficiency and Productivity

Business analysis helps identify inefficiencies and bottlenecks within processes, so your business can streamline operations and optimise resource allocation. By identifying areas for improvement, you can enhance productivity and reduce unnecessary costs.

Enhanced Customer Satisfaction

Understanding customer behaviour and preferences through business analysis allows businesses to tailor their products and services to meet customer needs better. This leads to improved customer satisfaction, increased loyalty, and reduced customer churn.

Risk Mitigation

By conducting thorough analysis, your business can identify potential risks and vulnerabilities in their operations. This proactive approach to risk assessment helps develop contingency plans and minimise the impact of potential challenges, ensuring greater resilience and business continuity.

Measurable Performance

Business analysis involves the use of key performance indicators (KPIs) to assess progress toward organisational goals. This provides a clear framework for measuring performance and holding teams accountable for their actions, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and results-driven accountability.

Key Considerations for Business Analysis

The first step in developing a complete digital strategy is to dig into what makes a business unique. It’s all very well learning about the audience and the competition, but ultimately your brand comes from the people, vision and values of the business in question.

That’s why we begin each campaign with a thorough investigation into the business. Some of the many factors we’ll consider include:

Business Goals and Objectives

We need to clearly define your business’s short-term and long-term goals. Determine what you want to achieve through your digital marketing efforts, such as increased brand awareness, lead generation, sales growth, or customer retention.

Target Market Segmentation

We’ll identify and segment your target audience based on demographics, psychographics, behaviours, and preferences. This segmentation informs your digital marketing strategies and content.

Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

We need to determine what makes your business unique and why customers should choose your products or services over competitors. Your USP will guide your messaging and positioning in the digital landscape.

SWOT Analysis

We’ll conduct a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) to identify internal and external factors that can impact your digital marketing efforts. This analysis helps you leverage strengths, address weaknesses, capitalise on opportunities, and mitigate threats.

Technology and Tools

We’ll evaluate the digital marketing technologies and tools you’re using, such as analytics platforms, automation software, and CRM systems. We must ensure that they support your marketing objectives.

Integration with Overall Strategy

We’ll always ensure that your digital marketing strategy aligns with your overall business strategy. Digital efforts should support and reinforce your broader business goals.


Frequently Asked Questions about Business Analysis

Market research focuses on understanding customer preferences and market trends, while business analysis involves analysing various aspects of your organisation’s operations and performance. Business analysis includes data-driven insights on processes, efficiency, and financial performance, whereas market research is centred around customer feedback and market dynamics.

Business analysis relies on various data types, including financial data, customer data, sales data, website analytics, social media metrics, and operational data. The choice of data depends on the specific goals and requirements of the analysis.

Business analysis can provide valuable insights into the performance of different marketing campaigns, customer engagement metrics, and ROI. By identifying successful marketing channels and tactics, you can allocate resources more effectively, improve targeting, and enhance overall marketing performance.

The frequency of business analysis depends on the nature of your business and its objectives. Some businesses perform continuous analysis, while others conduct periodic assessments, such as quarterly or annually. Regular analysis is essential to stay agile and responsive to changing market conditions.

Business analysis can benchmark your company’s digital marketing performance against competitors, revealing areas where you excel or lag behind. This knowledge can guide strategy adjustments and identify opportunities for differentiation.

our clients

The fundamentals of great Marketing

No matter what sector you’re in, we believe that the fundamentals of great marketing never change


From your website user experience to the user imagery within your social media, brand is every moment of every interaction with your business. Defining who you are.


Get your content right, and the channels will all but take care of themselves. It is not enough for content to be superficially on-brand, but rather it must drive the brand’s vision, no matter how ambitious.


It’s no coincidence that the best B2B marketers are endlessly curious individuals who understand the value of research. I’s where every great strategy begins.


There is no better way of capturing incredible B2B or professional service content whilst simultaneously raising awareness and growing credibility, than by engaging with the top 1% of your target market; the influencers.


From SEO to email marketing and webinars to social media, your content needs to be distributed across all the relevant channels as you develop brand into a serious digital asset. Meanwhile, a paid lead generation strategy that limits cost per acquisition (CPA) may also be required, depending on short term targets.


In order to avoid “analysis paralysis”, a small number of headline metrics at both brand and commercial levels should be agreed upon, along with the frequency of updates. We typically find that weekly mini-reports ensure constant momentum without disrupting day to day activity.

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