Brand Storytelling Is Your Competitive Advantage

There are about 160,000 practicing solicitors in the UK (about 1 for every 419 people). Narrow that down by service offerings, or by geography, and it might mean that you’re competing with hundreds or thousands of legal professionals for the same select clients. How can you create a competitive advantage? Brand Storytelling.

Creating a narrative is crucial for a law firm. Just as you have to create a narrative in a courtroom to convince judges or jurors, you have to tell an equally powerful story to convince your potential clients too. It’s a journey to connect your clients with you, your values, and your success!

People buy products and services based on trust. Visually sharing is one such way to gain that trust, so let’s take a look at what brand storytelling is, and why it is so important for your law firm!

Brand Storytelling

Highlight The Why, Not The What

Everyone knows what you do. Whether it’s a unique service, or a more generic legal service, there are likely to be many other practising solicitors that do something very similar to what you do. What is often not enough as a point of differentiation, so why must do that job.

If you can demonstrate the reason you do what you do, it will help to establish trust with your clients. You should aim to communicate this unique value proposition through your brand storytelling. 

Remember, authentic connections are often driven through empowering, meaningful stories, and less through emphasising your accolades, honours, and services. Your why is an opportunity to share a meaningful story.

Build An Emotional Connection

This data from Google cloud shows that 82% of consumers want to buy products and services from a brand they believe in, and align with. That is a pretty huge statistic to back up the hypothesis that you have to build an emotional connection with your customers. 

Brand storytelling is a marketing tool that helps to foster these natural emotional connections far better than any legal jargon will do. Show that you stand for something, and highlight what your brand aligns with in terms of its values. 

Can You Use An Emotional Hook

Case studies are crucial to show your credibility! Instead of talking about the core problem/solution properties of a case however, you can share the emotional burdens, and what the outcomes were. How did you help someone with a bankruptcy case clear their debt, how did they feel. Were they under immense mental pressure? Was there emotional relief? Did you lift a huge weight off their shoulders?

Using an emotional hook in your content to draw engagement

Displaying the merits of a case from a purely problem & solution perspective is a critical part of a case study portfolio, but it’s not the only way you can resonate with an audience and show credibility. Take a look at creating some emotional hooks by exploring how you made your clients feel as a result of your work.

Utilise All Digital Channels

Your LinkedIn profile might feel like it’s the only channel where you can connect individually, and be personable, but that isn’t the case. Whilst it is a more direct communication channel, every channel is an extension of your brand and therefore needs to have that same value proposition, that same emotional hook, and those same brand values. Storytelling isn’t about being immediately available and visible on social media, but instead is about creating a connection through your content. Content exists on every channel… Make sure you encourage brand storytelling across every medium.

Final Thoughts

If you’d like to find out more about digital marketing, and how you can use brand storytelling to your advantage, contact us here for a free consultation.

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