Culpable for Boring Content? 6 LinkedIn Content Ideas for Law Firms to Improve Your Profile

LinkedIn is the golden social networking site for law firms. It’s the ideal place to connect with other professionals in the legal market, current clients and your target audience. You’ve already aced the basics and set your profile up perfectly, and now you’re ready to start creating some killer content. But then, as you stare at that blinking cursor, you realise you’re not quite sure what to write. Don’t let writer’s block hit you right away! We’ve got some of our favourite LinkedIn content ideas for law firms to get you going. 

linkedin content ideas for law firms

How to craft the best performing LinkedIn content for law firms

Before we jump into our best LinkedIn content ideas for law firms, it’s important to cover the best practised for content. Its been consistently proven that some types of content perform better than others, and we’re confident that all those bits of best performing content follow these attributes. 

That’s not to say that you can’t mix it up a little now and then. Algorithms are always changing and your target audience may respond differently to different posts. But these guidelines have consistently produced high-engagement content, so give them a shot before you start going off-piste! 

Without further ado, the best performing LinkedIn content for law firms often is:

  • Short-form content that is 25-200 words long

Like most social networking sites, people don’t have the time to sit and read an essay about how you so valiantly hired that candidate that showed up covered in mud and without a tie. (They were saving a kitten from a tree on their way to the interview – don’t judge a book by its cover! Yawn.) Most people are there for short snippets of information from the businesses and professionals they admire. Keep it short and snappy to ensure you hold your audience’s attention.

  • Be relatable to your readers

Now, we’re not saying you have to be totally hashtag relatable and throw your professional persona out the window. But it’s important to remember you’re reaching out to actual people. Actual, emotional people, that will respond better to a more causal dialogue than paragraphs of thick legalese. 

  • Encourage discussion 

LinkedIn isn’t just a broadcasting network to shout about yourself and your own firm. It’s a social networking site. Emphasis on the social! By encouraging discussion around your posts, you’ll drive engagement up and start to build a rapport with your audience. It’s a win-win!

  • Posting at the optimal times

Data shows that the most engaging LinkedIn posts are published on Wednesdays between 8 AM to 10 AM and noon, Thursday at 9 AM and 1 PM to 2 PM, and Friday at 9 AM. 

So you’ve got the low down! You know to keep things short and snappy, be relatable, keep up a conversation and when to post. And now, you’re ready to spark some content ideas.

content ideas for linkedin

Our top LinkedIn content ideas for law firms

Every firm is going to have a different tone of voice and a slightly different spin on your content. However, these are some of our tried and true tactics that we think are great jumping-off points with content ideas for law firms.

1. Common questions from clients

There are some questions that just crop up time and time again. It’s likely there’s a reason for that! Those questions are great content fodder and are sure to gauge a lot of interest. With your unique insight, you’ll be answering your potential clients and flexing your specialist knowledge to build trust in your firm. Even if the reader isn’t quite ready to pay for your service, you’ll be cemented in their minds as the expert in that space if they do ever need you. 

2. Comment on legal events or news

If something big is happening in your space, it’s a great opportunity to join in the conversation and get your opinion out there. People will be actively searching for opinions if the news event is big enough. So, any and all contributions are great for getting your’s and your firm’s name out there. 

3. Top 10 lists

Not just for YouTube, top 10 lists are a great way to keep readers engaged all the way to the end of your post while sharing your expertise. 

4. Share how your clients use your services/testimonials

The best way to promote your firm is through your clients! After all, they’re the ones that are utilising your services, so any potential clients will be able to connect with their experience far more easily. 

5. Authentic candid content

A great way to humanise yourself and your firm is by creating candid content. Nobody relates to glossy stock images of models pretending to be lawyers. Your audience will appreciate the honesty and relate more readily to your content.

6. Asking questions 

By posing a question to your audience, you encourage users to join in a discussion around your post and push up engagement. It’s also a great way to start building a community with your page. Pose a ‘would you rather’ question if you’re ever stuck and get the debates started.

If you’re a little too busy running a law firm to keep up with LinkedIn, we’re here on hand to help. Contact us today for a free consultation to help launch some seriously notable networking!

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