Best Of Both Worlds: 3 Reasons Your Charity Should Embrace Hybrid Working (+ Tips For Getting Started)

So you’re reading this blog because your charity has seen a shift in the number of staff and volunteers working remotely – correct? As much as we’d love to thank our psychic powers for that one, the truth is, all we need to do is look at the stats. With the pandemic giving people a taste of the working from home (WFH) lifestyle, many of us decided that actually, it’s rather nice. So nice that 62% of workers in the UK now want to work either hybrid or fully remote. But this may be more beneficial for your charity than you initially thought.

3 Benefits of hybrid and remote working teams for charities

#1 Increased productivity

For charities, every penny counts – and time is money. Whilst social interaction is needed, there are only so many conversations about the weather to be had (no matter how awful it may be). By giving your staff and volunteers more flexibility in terms of where they work and when they work, you’ll experience improved focus and increased productivity across the board.

And it works both ways. Adopting a hybrid or fully remote working model for your charity will not only encourage workers to be more productive in terms of their own tasks but will redefine collaborative work too! Whilst working from home allows staff and volunteers to focus on their own work in a distraction-free environment, it also minimises the contact they have with their team. And because of this, when meetings – be it in-person or online – are organised, they are far more likely to devise a plan to get the most out of their time together.

#2 Attract more volunteers & permanent employees

Whilst your charity may have an abundance of supporters, it’s unlikely that they are all located conveniently within a short distance from your head office. Giving your nonprofit workers the option to work from home will encourage more people to apply by removing geographical barriers and minimising costs associated with travel and the like.

What’s more, by offering a more flexible working model to your staff and volunteers, you may find you attract more senior personnel who can now fit work for your charity around any pre-existing arrangements!

#3 Cut costs

It goes without saying, the fewer people working from your office, the lower your operating costs will be. And if you choose to adopt a completely remote working model, these costs can be cut almost entirely!

Tips for making the most of hybrid working for your charity 

#1 Ensure staff stay connected

One of the most obvious drawbacks of a hybrid or remote working model for your charity is the loss of socialisation – and with 60% of workers reporting they feel less connected since WFH, it’s clear this is an issue nonprofits need to be actively managing. Some simple tips to help your staff and volunteers feel more connected include:

  • Organising regular meet ups outside of work
  • Ensuring your team has regular video call catchups 
  • Encouraging teams to meet up where collaboration is required
  • Planning team socials for big events, such as Christmas

#2 Ensure your team is equipped with the right tools for the job

Working from home is great for those with the know-how and equipment to do so. For those without, it can cause stress and anxiety. Ensure your team is equipped with all the right tools to do their job before dishing out hefty new projects. If there’s something missing, work with them to resolve it; be it through purchasing necessary equipment if your budget allows or by helping them source the required resources elsewhere. This can include finding free items on platforms such as Facebook Marketplace, appealing for donations from the local community or finding alternative, free places for them to work, such as libraries. 

#3 Focus on wellbeing 

If not managed effectively, adopting a remote or hybrid working approach for your charity could take a toll on the mental health and wellbeing of your team. To mitigate risks, here are a few best practices you can put in place:

  • Organise regular 1-1s with your team to ensure they are sticking to an appropriate working schedule and managing work/life balance effectively
  • Create a wellness action plan and offer additional support where required 
  • Encourage regular virtual calls and interaction 

If you’re keen to up your results but are in need of an experienced team to support your efforts, get in touch to organise a free consultation and discover how we can help your charity achieve big with digital marketing.


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