Using interactive video – is it worth your time? A short intro for law firms

Interactive video isn’t exactly brand new. But it’s new enough that a lot of businesses either (i) haven’t heard of it or (ii) cottoned onto the benefits this technology could yield for them as a viable marketing tool.

And yet interactive video is on the rise. Its benefits are perhaps most notably extolled in the dark horror piece Bandersnatch – a film that lets you decide the main protagonist’s fate (the video went viral).

This makes the technology sound a little…gimmicky. But the proof, as the saying goes, is in the pudding – and the initial stats are extremely promising: 

According to Hubspot:

  • 45% of buyers in the B2B space would place interactive video in their top three list of preferred content types
  • 77% agree this type of content can be repurposed to encourage site revisits and improve brand exposure
  • 62% are actively strategising to include immersive video as part of their marketing strategy

In short, your customers want to engage with immersive content, your competitors are planning to, and the technology can yield some powerful long-term benefits. 

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Curious to learn more? Then read on to learn how interactive video works and some of the benefits of investing in it.

What is interactive video?

Let’s be honest, you can’t interact with a blog. Other than using the scroll bar and clicking on links not much is demanded from the curious reader whose attention is likely at some point to wander. The same applies to conventional video. Click, play, sit back and watch. The entire exercise is passive and requires almost zero input from its audience.

Enter interactive video: a medium that makes your audience part of the story through the supply of a range of tools that allow them to click, scroll, drag, and much more. You could argue these functions come as part and parcel of static content too, so what’s the big deal?

Here are three commonly-included options that separate immersive video content from its linear brethren.

Immersive video: three benefits for law firms

#1 Embed a quiz

Let’s be honest, when do users post feedback in the contents section of a web page or video? Far too often this is a barren wasteland – characterised by nothing other than white space (or a sparse comment or two from the creators).

Imagine creating a quiz that requested input from viewers in a fun way – thereby keeping their attention and boosting engagement levels. Your firm would also benefit from some pretty useful insights it could use to improve future service offerings.

#2 360-degree visibility

Why not bring prospects closer to your brand through the creation of a video frame they can drag to change their perspective. This might sound like an odd suggestion for a law firm. After all, you’re not selling a physical product like a car or home. 

Here’s the thing: you’re still selling your brand. And by creating an interactive video of your offices you’ll be able to attract higher calibre employees during recruitment phases – while also deepening relationships with prospects.

#3 Create dedicated hotspots

Linear videos take you from A-B. As such you become a passive observer entirely reliant on a pre-constructed narrative. In a sense, it’s a bit like being on a bus or train. You know your destination and therefore switch off until you hear the automated message announcing your stop.

Hotspots are clickable areas within a video that require user input. They can take the viewer to a product page, the pricing section on a website, or almost anywhere else you desire. This boosts engagement and prevents lulls in concentration that might otherwise occur with linear video.

Curious about interactive video? Here are just some of the benefits

Despite being in its relative infancy the global interactive video sector was worth more than 4.4 billion in 2018 alone and has continued to grow ever since. Still not convinced? 

Here are five benefits that might just change your mind.

  • Popularity. As touched upon earlier, buyers want to consume interactive video. So give them what they want.
  • Engagement. Turn passive prospects into curious customers – removing distraction from the digital equation.
  • Conversions. Gamify your video to get your audience’s full attention and create stronger connections with them.
  • Analytics. Interactive video yields in-depth metrics your firm can use to track internal links, paths taken, and more.
  • Memory. Interaction helps people to remember – meaning they’re more likely to use your services in the future.

Stand out from the crowd

Whether fair or not the professional services sector has a reputation for being a little dry. That’s why it’s important to go against the grain by doing precisely what your rivals aren’t. And as a side note, there’s nothing gimmicky about brand gamification. Interactive video, when used intelligently, boosts engagement, customer insights, and conversions too. 

So what’s stopping you from dipping your toe in the proverbial water? Perhaps you’re a small firm with limited resources and time. Or maybe you lack the in-house technical expertise to implement a joined-up interactive video campaign in-house. If these reasons resonate then let us take over by booking your free consultation with us now.

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