Who owns my website? Ownership & rights – an overview for law firms

Who owns my website? It’s an important question your law firm needs an answer to. After all, next to email, your site is one of just two digital assets you control.

Without a website you’d also struggle to engage with – and convert – customers into loyal brand advocates. 

True, you can’t control who owns your website but you can be better prepared by understanding the risks and getting ready.

Here’s some guidance to help you get started…

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Who owns my website?

Your law firm will never own its website in entirety. It’s a feast of moving parts only some of which you’ll be able to lay legal claim to.

The question ‘who owns my website?’ is especially important for legal firms keen to establish credibility with their customers.

Imagine the outcome if your website was shut down and, instead of a welcome message, visitors received a 404 Error.

Did you register the domain name & set up the hosting account?

Then you likely own some of the website. However, if you used a website builder or hired a freelancer or agency , it’s possible the ownership may be more complicated and depend on the terms of your agreement with any third parties involved.  

Still not sure who owns your website? Then here’s what to do next 

If you’re still unsure, check the registration information for your domain name, or review any contracts or agreements you have with website builders or developers. You can also consult a  legal specialist. 

Your intellectual rights: assets you own versus those you don’t

Who owns my website images? 

The images on your website are subject to copyright laws, meaning you may not own them . The copyright owner of an image is typically the person who created it , unless they transferred their ownership rights to someone else through a license or assignment agreement.

If you created the images or have obtained them from a source (for example, a photographer or stock photo provider) that gave permission for you to use them you probably own the images or have the right to use them on your website.

Using images without permission from the copyright owner can, as you know, lead to legal issues, such as a copyright infringement lawsuit. Therefore, it’s always a good idea to 

  • ensure you have the right to use any images on your website; and 
  • to give proper attribution or credit to the copyright owner if required.

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Who owns my website’s Content Management System (CMS)?

This depends on the terms of your agreement with the provider.

In most cases, the provider owns the software and intellectual property associated with the CMS, and you have a license to use the software to manage your content. This means you have control over how you use the CMS, but don’t physically own it. .

An exception to the rule open source CMS software

 Some CMS providers offer open-source software that’s  free to use and modify, and in these cases, you may have more control over the CMS and the ability to customise it to your specific needs.

It’s important to review the terms of service or licensing agreement to understand  your rights as a user and whether you are permitted to modify, distribute, or sell the CMS. 

The benefits of using open-source CMS software:

  • Your law firm owns the code which means you won’t have to absorb extra expense if you switch to a different web design agency
  • There are no ongoing license fees to worry about – meaning you won’t incur subscription costs

However, there are drawbacks too, including:

  • Complexity – open-source CMS can be complex for end-users. 
  • Security – breaches are more likely, increasing risk to your business.

As touched on earlier, trust matters in your industry. So you’ll need to weigh monetary savings against reputational damage – and lost opportunities caused by confusing buying journeys.

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Who owns my website copy?

The copy on your website is subject to copyright laws, and the ownership of the copy depends on who created the content. If you created the content yourself or hired a writer to do so you probably own the copyright. .

If you used text from other sources – by copying and pasting from another website or using copy from a third-party source without consent  you may not own the copyright. 

You must have the right to use any content on your website, including copy, images, and other media, to avoid legal issues. 

In general, it’s best to:

  • create original content in-house or via an agency; or 
  • obtain permission from the copyright owner first

It’s also important to note copyright laws vary by country, so consult with an  expert if you have questions about the ownership of your website’s copy or any other content hosted on it.

Who owns my website  source code?

The ownership of the source code on your website depends on who created the code and any agreements or contracts that are in place.

If you created the code yourself, you likely own the copyright. However, if you hire developers, the ownership may be more complicated and depend on the terms of your agreement or contract.

In some cases, the developer may retain ownership and license it to you for use on your website. In other cases, you may own the copyright to the code, but the developer or development team may have the right to use or modify the code for other projects.


Who owns my website domain name?

If you registered the domain name yourself, you likely own it, subject to applicable laws and regulations in your jurisdiction. When you register a domain name, you are reserving it  for your use and preventing others from using it.

However, it’s important to note that domain names are registered on a first-come, first-served basis, which means if someone else has already registered it , you may not be able to use it. 

Additionally, domain names are subject to rules and regulations set by the domain name registrar and organization that manages the top-level domain (such as .com or .org), so it’s important to comply with these rules to maintain ownership..

It’s also important to renew your registration on time and keep contact information up-to-date to avoid losing ownership of your domain name. 

Who owns my website’s server? 

If you operate your own server, then you own it. However, if you use a hosting service, the provider owns or leases the server.

When using a hosting service, you are renting space on their server to store website files and data. 

  • The host is responsible for maintaining the server and ensuring it is secure and functioning properly. 

You are responsible for managing the content and ensuring it complies with the host’s terms of service and acceptable use policies. It’s important to choose a reputable hosting service that provides reliable and secure hosting for your website. Additionally, it’s a good idea to carefully review terms of service – and service level agreements to understand your user rights and the responsibilities of the hosting service. 

Websites not really your thing?

Need a helping hand with design or SEO? Then book a free consultation with one of your team today.

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