1. Overview

"Social media provides invaluable opportunities to increase awareness, educate customers, demonstrate expertise and drive leads."

Social media marketing presents immense marketing potential, but also compliance complexity for financial services brands. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn offer access to hundreds of millions of engaged users. This provides invaluable opportunities to increase awareness, educate customers, demonstrate expertise and drive leads.

However, as regulated firms, strict codes of conduct apply across social channels. There are complex requirements around disclosing risks, framing promotions fairly, and ensuring advisor actions align to regulations. This means compliance must work hand-in-hand with marketing.

This guide will provide financial marketers with the information needed to create impactful social campaigns while adhering to approval and regulations. It covers major platforms, engagement tactics, tools for efficiency, advertising best practices, analytics for optimisation and governance considerations.

2. The Benefits of social media Marketing for financial services firms

“A strategic social media presence offers a multitude of advantages for financial brands looking to increase awareness, leads, and loyalty.”

A strategic social media presence offers a multitude of advantages for financial brands looking to increase awareness, leads, and loyalty. Core benefits include:


Increasing Brand Awareness & Trust

Social platforms allow consistent engagement at scale to build familiarity and preference for your brand. Educational content and community engagement position your company as an authoritative thought leader. This drives credibility and the perception of trustworthiness.


Access to Targeted Audiences

The breadth of social users and availability of targeting tools enables efficient access to key demographics aligned to your offerings. Meet potential customers where they already spend time online.


Driving Lead Generation

Social serves a top-of-funnel function by sparking initial interest and intent to learn more. Follower bases then transition to high-quality leads through personalised ads, organic engagement, and lead capture forms.


Humanising Your Brand

Social provides a stage to showcase company culture, values, and personality through experiences. This facilitates authentic connections that resonate with the humans behind target accounts.


Ongoing Customer Service & Feedback

Proactively addressing questions and concerns at scale strengthens retention and loyalty. Social listening also provides invaluable feedback to improve products and services.


Measurable Results

Robust analytics tools are integrated across social platforms, enabling thorough measurement of engagement, conversions, and ROI on activities across owned, earned, and paid channels.


Regulatory Acceptance

Financial regulators emphasise fair customer communications. Responsible, compliant social media marketing therefore aligns well to oversight expectations when proper strategy and governance are implemented.

3. social media platforms

"Crafting a tailored strategy for each platform will unlock the full potential of social media, enabling your financial firm to reap all the benefits of social media marketing."

Financial services companies, traditionally known for their conservative approach, are now harnessing the power of social platforms to build brand awareness, engage clients, and drive business growth. In this section, we’ll explore the major social media platforms—Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram—and delve into strategies tailored for financial services, compliance considerations, and the diverse goals achievable on each platform.


#1 Facebook: Bridging the Personal and Financial


With over 2.8 billion monthly active users, Facebook remains a powerhouse of social media platforms. It appeals to a broad demographic, making it a versatile platform for financial services companies looking to connect with a diverse audience.

Unique Features:

  • Targeted Advertising: Leverage Facebook’s advertising platform to precisely target specific demographics based on financial behaviours and interests.
  • Groups and Communities: Establish or participate in financial communities to share expertise, answer queries, and build trust among potential clients.


Compliance and Regulatory Considerations:

  • Adhere to data privacy regulations (e.g., GDPR) when handling user information.
  • Clearly communicate risks and ensure all financial promotions comply with regulatory standards.



  • Brand Awareness: Use engaging content to enhance brand visibility and trust.
  • Lead Generation: Leverage targeted ads and content to attract potential clients.


#2 Twitter: Real-Time Engagement


Twitter’s fast-paced nature makes it an ideal platform for financial services companies to share real-time updates, industry insights, and engage in direct conversations.

Unique Features:

  • Hashtags and Trends: Join relevant conversations using trending hashtags to increase visibility.
  • Twitter Chats: Participate in or host industry-specific chats to demonstrate thought leadership.


Compliance and Regulatory Considerations:

  • Condense messages effectively within character limits while ensuring compliance with regulatory guidelines.
  • Regularly monitor and address customer inquiries and complaints promptly.



  • Thought Leadership: Establish authority through insightful tweets and industry commentary.
  • Customer Engagement: Foster meaningful interactions with clients and prospects.


#3 LinkedIn: Professional Networking in the Financial Realm


LinkedIn is the go-to platform for professional networking, making it a key player for B2B interactions in the financial sector.

Unique Features:

  • Company Pages: Showcase services, company culture, and thought leadership.
  • LinkedIn Articles: Publish in-depth content to position your company as an industry expert.


Compliance and Regulatory Considerations:

  • Emphasise professionalism and compliance in all communications.
  • Ensure employee profiles align with regulatory standards and industry guidelines.



  • B2B Connections: Network with industry professionals and potential partners.
  • Lead Generation: Connect with businesses and individuals seeking financial services.


#4 Instagram: Visual Storytelling for Financial Brands


With a visually-driven format, Instagram is a powerful platform for financial services companies to showcase their human side and connect with younger demographics.

Unique Features:

  • Visual Storytelling: Use images and short videos to tell compelling stories about your brand.
  • Instagram Stories: Engage followers with ephemeral content, including polls and Q&A sessions.


Compliance and Regulatory Considerations:

  • Ensure visual content aligns with the professional image expected in the financial industry.
  • Disclose potential risks and disclaimers in captions.



  • Brand Personality: Humanise your brand and connect with younger audiences.
  • Community Building: Encourage engagement through comments, likes, and user-generated content.


A nuanced understanding of each platform’s unique features, compliance considerations, and targeted goals is essential. Crafting a tailored strategy for each platform will unlock the full potential of social media, enabling your financial firm to reap all the benefits of social media marketing.

4. content creation

“A strategic blend of educational value, visual appeal, and compelling storytelling will set the foundation for a successful social media presence."

To effectively engage, educate, and build lasting connections, a strategic approach to content creation is paramount. In this section, we’ll explore how financial services companies can curate content that aligns with marketing goals, provides educational value, incorporates visual appeal, and harnesses the power of storytelling.

#1 Content Planning: Aligning Strategy with Goals and Audience Interests

Aligning with Marketing Goals:

Before embarking on content creation, define clear marketing goals. Whether it’s increasing brand awareness, generating leads, or enhancing customer engagement, every piece of content should contribute to these overarching objectives.

Understanding Audience Interests:

Conduct thorough audience research to identify the interests, preferences, and pain points of your target demographic. Tailor content to resonate with their needs, ensuring it adds value to their financial journey.


  • Develop a content calendar to maintain consistency.
  • Use analytics tools to measure the performance of each piece of content.


#2 Educational Content: Establishing Authority through Value

Importance of Education:

In the financial landscape, where trust is paramount, providing educational content is a cornerstone. By sharing valuable insights, tips, and industry knowledge, financial services firms can position themselves as authoritative sources in the eyes of their audience.

Diverse Educational Content:

Explore various formats, such as blog posts, infographics, webinars, and explainer videos, to cater to different learning preferences.


  • Address common financial queries and concerns.
  • Simplify complex topics to enhance accessibility.


#3 Visual Content: The Power of Visualisation in Financial Marketing

Role of Visuals:

Visual content is a potent tool for capturing attention and conveying complex information. In the financial sector, where data and statistics are prevalent, compelling visuals can simplify concepts and enhance overall understanding.

Tips for Creating Compelling Visuals:

  • Use professional graphics and charts to visualise data.
  • Incorporate on-brand colours and design elements.
  • Invest in high-quality images to convey professionalism.


  • Ensure visual content complies with industry regulations.
  • Include alt text for accessibility.


#4 Storytelling: Making Finance Engaging and Relatable

Incorporating Storytelling:

Storytelling humanises financial content, making it relatable and memorable. Share client success stories, case studies, or even the journey of your firm to create an emotional connection with your audience.

Tips for Effective Storytelling:

  • Identify and highlight the human side of your brand.
  • Structure narratives with a clear beginning, middle, and end.


  • Balance storytelling with professionalism.
  • Ensure client testimonials adhere to privacy and consent standards.

A strategic blend of educational value, visual appeal, and compelling storytelling will set the foundation for a successful social media presence. By aligning content with marketing goals and audience interests, you will forge meaningful connections that engage your online community.

5. content management

“By mastering content management, finance companies can establish a consistent social media presence that engages their target audience."

From organising a well-structured content calendar to navigating the intricate landscape of regulatory compliance, this section explores the crucial aspects of content management that empower financial brands to thrive in the digital space.

#1 Content Calendars: The Backbone of Consistency

Creating a Content Calendar:

A content calendar is the roadmap that guides your social media efforts. Outline a schedule that aligns with your marketing goals and audience behaviour, ensuring a consistent and engaging presence.

Managing Consistency:

  • Plan content themes in advance.
  • Schedule posts across platforms for optimal reach.
  • Consider seasonality and industry events in your calendar.


  • Use social media management tools for efficient scheduling.
  • Leave room for timely, spontaneous content.

#2 Regulatory Compliance: Navigating the Compliance Landscape

Guidelines for Compliance:

In the highly regulated financial industry, adherence to compliance standards is non-negotiable. From financial promotions to data privacy, every piece of content must align with industry regulations.

Compliance Best Practices:

  • Conduct regular compliance training for content creators.
  • Clearly communicate risks and disclaimers in promotional content.
  • Monitor changes in regulations and adjust content accordingly.


  • Consult legal experts to ensure compliance with regional and industry-specific regulations.
  • Keep records of all communications for auditing purposes.

#3 Monitoring Trends: Staying Relevant in a Dynamic Landscape

Staying Updated:

The financial landscape is ever-evolving, and staying abreast of industry trends is pivotal for creating relevant and resonant content.

Incorporating Trends:

  • Monitor industry publications, news, and social media for emerging trends.
  • Adapt content strategies to reflect current market dynamics.


  • Leverage trending hashtags and topics.
  • Engage in conversations around industry developments.

#4 User-Generated Content: Fostering Authentic Connections

Encouraging User-Generated Content (UGC):

UGC is a powerful tool for building trust and authenticity. Encourage clients to share their experiences and testimonials on social media.

Managing UGC:

  • Set clear guidelines for user submissions.
  • Seek permission before featuring client stories or content.


  • Regularly monitor and moderate UGC to ensure alignment with brand values.
  • Use UGC as a basis for client success stories and testimonials.

A well-organised content calendar, a vigilant eye on regulatory compliance, a commitment to staying informed about industry trends, and the cultivation of authentic user-generated content collectively contribute to an efficient content management strategy. By mastering content management, finance companies can establish a consistent social media presence that engages their target audience. 

6. audience engagement

“By actively engaging with your audience on social media, your brand can foster a sense of community, build trust, and position themselves as attentive and reliable partners in their clients' financial journeys.”

In the financial industry, where trust and reliability are paramount, audience engagement can play a pivotal role in shaping perceptions and driving business. This section explores tailored strategies for community building, responsive customer service, interactive content, and the use of social listening tools to enhance engagement for financial services firms.

#1 Community Building

Strategies for Building Community:

  • Establish and participate in industry-specific groups and forums.
  • Encourage discussions by posing relevant questions and facilitating conversations.
  • Host webinars or live Q&A sessions to showcase expertise and foster community interaction.


  • Humanise your brand by sharing behind-the-scenes content.
  • Acknowledge and celebrate milestones, both personal and professional.

#2 Customer Service

Importance of Responsive Customer Service:

In the financial sector, where trust is fragile, responsive and transparent customer service on social media can make or break client relationships.

Strategies for Effective Customer Service:

  • Set clear response time expectations for enquiries.
  • Address concerns privately through direct messages when appropriate.
  • Train staff to handle queries professionally and empathetically.


  • Ensure compliance with data privacy regulations in all customer interactions.
  • Use social media as a platform to share informative updates about services and policies.


#3 Interactive Content

Incorporating Interactive Content:

Interactive content not only captures attention but also invites active participation from your audience.

Types of Interactive Content:

  • Polls and Surveys: Gather opinions on financial trends or services.
  • Quizzes: Test financial knowledge or offer personalised recommendations.
  • Live Q&A Sessions: Engage directly with your audience in real-time.


  • Tailor interactive content to align with financial education and awareness.
  • Analyse engagement metrics to refine and optimise future interactive content.


#4 Social Listening

Using Social Listening Tools:

Social listening involves monitoring social media platforms for mentions, discussions, and sentiments related to your brand and industry.

Strategies for Social Listening:

  • Use social listening tools to track brand mentions and industry keywords.
  • Analyse customer sentiment to identify areas for improvement or celebration.
  • Respond promptly to both positive and negative mentions.


  • Leverage insights gained from social listening to inform content strategy and product/service enhancements.
  • Stay attuned to industry trends and adjust strategies based on emerging conversations.

Community building, responsive customer service, interactive content, and social listening serve as essential tools to build meaningful connections with your audience. By actively engaging with your audience on social media, your brand can foster a sense of community, build trust, and position themselves as attentive and reliable partners in their clients’ financial journeys.

7. paid social ads

“By aligning advertising efforts with industry regulations and leveraging the unique features of each platform, you can effectively use paid social ads to achieve marketing objectives and drive sustainable growth."

Paid social advertising has become an indispensable tool for financial services companies looking to expand their reach, acquire new clients, and drive business growth. This section explores the intricacies of paid social ads, covering targeted advertising, various ad formats, budgeting and ROI strategies, and the critical aspect of compliance to navigate the regulatory landscape effectively.

#1 Targeted Advertising

Defining Target Audience Segments:

Precision is key in financial services advertising. Define your target audience based on demographics, financial behaviours, and interests. Leverage data analytics and insights from existing clients to refine your targeting strategy.

Custom Audiences:

Use custom audiences to re-engage existing clients or target specific segments, such as high-net-worth individuals or those interested in investment products.


  • Use lookalike audiences to expand reach while maintaining relevance.
  • A/B test different audience segments to optimise targeting.

#2 Ad Formats

Overview of Ad Formats:

Different social media platforms offer diverse ad formats, each catering to specific marketing objectives.

Platform-Specific Formats:

  • Facebook: Carousel ads, lead ads, and sponsored posts.
  • Twitter: Promoted tweets and Twitter cards.
  • LinkedIn: Sponsored content, sponsored InMail, and display ads.
  • Instagram: Photo ads, video ads, and carousel ads.


  • Tailor ad formats to suit the visual language and user behaviour of each platform.
  • Incorporate compelling visuals and concise, impactful copy.

#3 Budgeting and ROI

Strategies for Budget Allocation:

Careful budget allocation is crucial for optimising the performance of paid social ads.

Budgeting Tips:

  • Set clear campaign objectives to guide budget decisions.
  • Allocate budget based on the expected value of the target audience.

Measuring ROI:

Use key performance indicators (KPIs) such as click-through rates (CTR), conversion rates, and cost per acquisition to measure the return on investment.


  • Regularly analyse performance data and adjust budgets accordingly.
  • Experiment with different bidding strategies to find the most cost-effective approach.

#4 Compliance in Ads

Ensuring Compliance:

The financial sector is subject to stringent regulations, and paid social ads must adhere to these guidelines.

Compliance Best Practices:

  • Clearly communicate risks and disclaimers in ad copy.
  • Avoid making exaggerated claims or promises.
  • Regularly review and update ad content to align with changing regulations.


  • Collaborate with legal and compliance teams to ensure ads meet industry standards.
  • Stay informed about evolving advertising regulations in different regions.

As financial services companies embrace paid social advertising, a strategic approach to targeted advertising, ad formats, budgeting, and compliance is essential. By aligning advertising efforts with industry regulations and leveraging the unique features of each platform, you can effectively use paid social ads to achieve marketing objectives and drive sustainable growth.

8. assessing performance

“The integration of analytics tools, a clear focus on relevant KPIs, data-driven adjustment strategies, and compelling reporting are indispensable components of your social media marketing strategy.”

The success of any social media strategy lies not only in its implementation but also in its evaluation. For financial services firms, assessing social media performance is a dynamic process that involves leveraging analytics tools, defining key performance indicators (KPIs), making data-driven adjustments, and presenting comprehensive reports. This section outlines the essential steps in evaluating and optimising social media performance for sustained success.

#1 Analytics Tools

Overview of Analytics Tools:

Analytics tools are indispensable for dissecting social media data and extracting actionable insights. Platforms such as Google Analytics, Facebook Insights, Twitter Analytics, and LinkedIn Analytics offer a wealth of information to track and measure performance.

Key Metrics to Monitor:

  • Engagement Metrics: Likes, comments, shares, and click-through rates.
  • Audience Metrics: Follower growth, demographics, and online behaviour.
  • Conversion Metrics: Leads generated, conversion rates, and customer acquisition costs.


  • Integrate analytics tools across platforms for a comprehensive view.
  • Regularly review metrics to identify trends and patterns.


#2 KPIs for Financial Services: Metrics That Matter

Defining KPIs:

Key performance indicators provide a focused lens through which financial services firms can measure the effectiveness of their social media efforts.

Financial KPIs:

  • Conversion Rates: Measure the percentage of social media leads that convert into clients.
  • Cost per Acquisition (CPA): Evaluate the cost of acquiring a new client through social media channels.
  • ROI: Assess the overall return on investment from social media campaigns.


  • Align KPIs with overarching business goals.
  • Set realistic benchmarks based on industry standards and historical performance.

#3 Adjustment Strategies

Data-Driven Adjustments:

Social media strategies should evolve based on performance data. Analyse metrics, identify strengths and weaknesses, and make informed adjustments.

Optimisation Strategies:

  • Adjust content strategies based on high-performing topics and formats.
  • Fine-tune targeting parameters to improve audience relevance.
  • Experiment with different posting schedules to maximise engagement.


  • Implement A/B testing for ads and content variations.
  • Stay agile and responsive to changing audience behaviours and platform algorithms.

#4 Reporting: Showcasing Impact for Stakeholders

Creating Comprehensive Reports:

Crafting reports that showcase the impact of social media efforts is crucial for garnering stakeholder support.

Elements of Effective Reports:

  • Clear Executive Summary: Summarise key findings and successes.
  • Visual Representation: Use charts and graphs to illustrate trends and improvements.
  • Actionable Insights: Provide recommendations for future strategies based on data analysis.


  • Tailor reports to different stakeholders, emphasising metrics relevant to their roles.
  • Include both quantitative and qualitative insights to provide a holistic view.

The integration of analytics tools, a clear focus on relevant KPIs, data-driven adjustment strategies, and compelling reporting are indispensable components of your social media marketing strategy. You should not only measure the impact of your social media efforts but also continuously refine and optimise strategies for sustained growth.

Contact us today for a free consultation and check out our case studies to discover how we’ve helped financial services firms like yours build their social media strategy.

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