The Ultimate Guide to SEO for B2B Companies


1. Overview

“Nailing foundational on-site and off-site SEO elements covered in this guide will enable your B2B brand to improve visibility and attract high quality leads.”

A strategic SEO approach is imperative for B2B companies to drive visibility and engagement in today’s increasingly digital marketplace. With more stakeholders involved in organisational purchase decisions and engagement happening predominantly online, how potential customers discover, research, and choose companies comes down to robust search optimisation.


This guide will walk through key SEO considerations and best practices specifically for B2B organisations targeting other businesses. Advanced tactics like personalisation, retention and multi-channel attribution help drive prospects through buying journeys. But nailing foundational on-site and off-site SEO elements covered in this guide will enable your B2B brand to improve visibility and attract high quality leads.

2. The Benefits of seo for B2B companies

“Generating demand through SEO results in substantially lower customer acquisition costs compared to interrupted advertising channels.”

Investing in the right SEO strategies provides significant advantages for B2B organisations:

  • Increased Visibility & Reach – SEO expands visibility to more prospective buyers that may not be on your contact database or part of your marketing funnel yet. Driving organic traffic accelerates growth by connecting with new audiences searching for solutions providers.


  • Improved Lead Quality & Conversion Rates – Visitors arriving from organic search are primed with buyer intent, actively researching to solve a problem your offerings can achieve. Connecting them to relevant materials tailored to intent on your site leads to higher engagement and better lead quality.


  • Lower Acquisition CostsGenerating demand through SEO results in substantially lower customer acquisition costs compared to interrupted advertising channels. This positive ROI expands margins and exponentially boosts lifetime value of acquired customers over performance channels


  • Audience Insights – Analysing the search queries and site behaviours of visitors arriving from organic helps you understand pain points and motivations to align messaging and offers. This creates a high conversion funnel tailored to priorities.


  • Long-Term Growth & Durability – In contrast to interrupting audiences through paid channels, You own SEO real estate indefinitely. By consistently publishing quality content matched to user intent, your brand can build an authoritative website that compound value over time through word-of-mouth and recurring diverse traffic streams.


3. Website architecture

"Faster sites lead to better user experience and search engine visibility."

A well-structured, user-friendly website is the foundation of any effective SEO strategy. As a B2B company, your website is often the first touchpoint for potential customers conducting research. Ensuring it meets key architecture and design best practices will better position your content to rank in search engines and provide a seamless experience for visitors.

Mobile Responsiveness

Having a mobile-responsive website is now essential for strong SEO and user experience:

  • Google penalises non-optimised sites in search results, making mobile-friendliness a ranking factor
  • A responsive site shows customers that their mobile experience matters
  • Easy navigation and readability on phones and tablets encourage positive interactions


Navigation Best Practices

Simplifying website navigation goes hand-in-hand with mobile optimisation. Employing navigation best practices enhances user experience:

  • Menus should be clean and clutter-free, with logical content hierarchies
  • Ensure key pages are accessible through site-wide navigation
  • Include user-friendly site search to help visitors self-navigate


URL Structures

Optimising URL structures boosts discoverability and rankings by:

  • Including relevant keywords users may search for
  • Avoiding overly complex URLs with unnecessary parameters
  • Leveraging hyphens for word separation

This creates pages search engines can easily crawl and understand.



A sitemap is a crucial component that enables search engines to effectively crawl your site architecture. Crafting a clean, well-organised sitemap improves indexation of important pages and content.


Site Speed

With page speed being a Google ranking factor, website performance optimisation is key for SEO. Steps like compressing images, enabling caching, minimising redirects and streamlining code can significantly improve load times. Faster sites lead to better user experience and search engine visibility.

4. Understanding User Intent

“Searchers are seeking to solve problems, learn about options, and educate themselves before connecting with sales.”

Defining user intent and mapping it to content strategy is vital for B2B success. B2B searches often involve researched decision making, not impulse buys. Searchers are seeking to solve problems, learn about options, and educate themselves before connecting with sales.

Keyword Research

Conduct thorough keyword research to uncover questions and queries driving industry searches:

  • Analyse keyword demand related to products, use cases, comparisons, and industry education
  • Review long-tail keyword opportunities to drill down into specifics in buyers’ journeys
  • Map keywords to stages from discovery and learning straight through to conversions


Creating Content

With insight into the buyer journey, produce targeted content that answers priority questions and aligns to opportunities revealed through keyword research:

  • Benefit-driven content – Communicate how you solve high priority problems
  • Comparison resources – Draw contrast to alternatives buyers evaluate
  • Industry education – Establish subject matter authority


Analytics for Optimisation

Examine analytics for engagement levels across content types and topics:

  • Identify content prompting actions like clicks to demo requests
  • Double down on topics demonstrating visitor intent to engage
  • Refine pieces with higher exit rates signalling misalignment


Listen and Adjust

Continuously gather first-party feedback through surveys, questionnaires, and engagement monitoring:

  • Request suggestions on helpful information visitors need
  • Incorporate feedback into refreshed content and new creations
  • Let customers guide your content to satisfy their intent

5. Creating Killer Landing Pages

“Targeted landing pages are vital in moving B2B visitors along the conversion funnel by providing relevant, intent-matched content.”

Targeted landing pages are vital in moving B2B visitors along the conversion funnel by providing relevant, intent-matched content. Generic homepage messaging fails to deliver the specifics visitors seek at each stage. Develop targeted pages around topics and offers.


Creating Keyword-Focused Content

Conduct keyword research to uncover topics driving traffic to your site. Then develop dedicated pages aligned to search intent:

  • For middle-funnel buyers comparing solutions, create comparison-oriented content reflecting research queries and outlining your competitive differentiator
  • If visitors are Googling use cases and implementation questions, produce pages with educational articles, step-by-steps, and videos mapped to those interests.
  • Include synonyms and long-tail variations in copy to capture full search volume potential.


Optimisation Through Testing

Because subtle page element changes can substantially lift conversions, continually test variations using A/B testing tools.

  • Test rewrites of headlines, value prop descriptions, and body copy against original versions to determine messaging resonance.
  • Try layout, image, and call-to-action style changes to pinpoint what motivates actions.
  • Let data guide design choices instead of assumptions for optimisation.


Strategic Call-to-Action Placement

Map CTAs to visitor intent within the funnel. Early-stage researchers should receive offers for educational materials. Those ready for evaluations get demo CTAs.

  • Provide phone, live chat, email options for sales contact to reduce barriers at decision stages.
  • Make CTAs visible through placement near tops of pages and above-fold.



Combine copy, data, images, video, and reviews to showcase value:

  • Product tours, demos, and screenshot walkthroughs demonstrate functionality aligned to use cases.
  • Client testimonials put a name and voice to support your claims and demonstrate your value.
  • Charts and graphs lend credibility while simplifying complex data points.

6. on-page seo

“On-page SEO refers to optimisation techniques applied directly to individual web pages to improve their rankings in search engines.”

On-page SEO refers to optimisation techniques applied directly to individual web pages to improve their rankings in search engines. This includes adjustments to content, HTML code, site architecture linking, page speed, and other elements search algorithms evaluate when crawling pages. The collective intent is signalling to search bots that each page offers valuable information worthy of a prominent position for relevant keyword searches.


Page Titles and Meta Descriptions

Page titles and meta descriptions create the vital first impression in search listings, conveying what the page contains:

  • Keep titles under 60 characters while focusing on primary keywords prospects search for answers and education around. This keyword positioning signals relevance.
  • Craft compelling meta descriptions of 155 characters or less that encapsulate page values propositions. Describe how the content solves problems and answers questions rather than broad claims.
  • Sprinkle in secondary long-tail keywords naturally within concise sentences to provide additional search context.


Header Tags

Header tags provide content structure, outlining importance hierarchy:

  • Use H1 header tag for primary target keyword or topic to signal primary page focus to search algorithms
  • Support with additional keywords and subtopics in H2 and H3 headers for secondary and tertiary headings
  • Break up dense paragraphs with subheadings for improved readability while expanding keyword coverage


Image Optimisation

Images should offer value for visitors while also enhancing SEO:

  • Incorporate file names and alt text with target keyword permutations
  • Set descriptive captions Expanding on image context
  • Technically optimise by compressing file sizes for faster page loads


Internal Link Building

Linking related content across site improves discoverability:

  • Connect contextually relevant materials using anchor text embedded in paragraphs to point visitors deeper into your expertise
  • Build site navigation linking to supporting content pillars, channels and category archives
  • Point layered content back to parent level pages

7. technical seo

“B2B sites dealing in complex product and service offerings must get technical SEO right for their differentiated value propositions to be discovered.”

Technical SEO refers to behind-the-scenes optimisation of a website’s infrastructure and coding to allow search engines to properly crawl, index, and interpret pages to serve them up in search results. While quality content targeting user intent is imperative for rankings, bots must be able to efficiently navigate sites and extract meaning from what they encounter.

Technical optimisations don’t directly attract visitors — but rather empower content to reach its full visibility potential. B2B sites dealing in complex product and service offerings must get technical SEO right for their differentiated value propositions to be discovered.


Crawling and Indexing

Optimising site architecture facilitates discovery and interpretations of pages:

  • Enable a logical information hierarchy through clear, keyword-focused categories and tags
  • Eliminate excessive page depths requiring too many clicks to reach content
  • Control rel=canonical tags on duplicated pages


Sitemaps and Robots.txt

Proper sitemaps and robots.txt files help search bots efficiently navigate to desired pages:

  • Maintain a comprehensive sitemap file outlining all site URLs submit for indexing through Search Console
  • Set nuanced robots.txt permissions guiding bots away from non-public pages


Duplicate Content

Managing similar content prevents dilution by directing signals to one primary page while preventing others getting indexed:

  • Consolidate information into one main resource then provide links to it from other references throughout site
  • For necessary duplicates uses rel=canonical tags to isolate the chief version


Schema Markup

Enhance snippet displays with schema markup highlighting key data:

  • Product schema surfaces relevant attributes in listings like price, availability, ratings.
  • Article schema highlights author credentials and publish dates signalling expertise.
  • FAQ schema answers common questions directly in SERPs to satisfy intent.


Mobile-First Indexing

With mobile representing a growing majority of all searches, a mobile-friendly responsive site is a requirement.

Technical optimisation builds infrastructure facilitating search engine capabilities in understanding pages for maximum visibility.

8. building authority

“Position your brand as a thought leader and hub of expertise through various forms of content and amplification strategies.”

Establishing subject matter authority and thought leadership fuels brand visibility and conversion potential. Position your brand as a thought leader and hub of expertise through various forms of content and amplification strategies.


High-Value Content Anchors Authority

Leverage blogs, case studies, whitepapers and informational resource centres focused on solving high priority problems for the target audience at each buyer journey stage. Pillar pages and key landing pages become authority hubs strengthened by expanding silos of highly relevant materials drawing in visitors from search and cross-promotion channels.


Getting Your Voice Heard

Authority expands through channels driving visitors back to your expertise pillars:

  • Repurpose perspectives into guest articles pitched to both broad sites reaching potential new audiences plus industry publications already commanding attention of active prospects
  • Conduct webinars and podcast interviews discussing insights from latest exclusive data resources and market research
  • Distribute material through association partnerships, affiliate programs and co-branding deals to benefit from third party endorsement


Strategic Social Presence

Maintaining an active social media presence also plays into perceptions of topical authority:

  • Share updates on LinkedIn demonstrating thought leadership through news analysis, commentary on industry reports, and insights from staff subject matter experts.
  • Grow Twitter authority for branded keyword phrases through relevant discourse within communities influencing target segments
  • Select key staff to manage accounts focused on areas of expertise, raising personal visibility as trustworthy voices


Managing Online Reputation

Monitor brand visibility through search queries and social listening for potentially reputation-damaging issues or biases plus opportunities to strengthen perceptions through community engagement and dexterous PR.

The compounding effects of hosting and syndicating expertise across media channels cultivate authority, accelerate trust, and magnify lead generation from organic discovery.


Contact us today for a free consultation and check out our case studies to discover how we’ve other B2B brands build their SEO strategy.

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